Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Nasi tumpeng

HJ Miah dan hasil karyanya mini tumpeng
Nasi tumpeng adalah makanan tradisi indonesia yang sering kali di sediakan dalam acara syukuran.Kali ini  Kru eskul akan menerangkan tentang cara bikin nasi tumpeng yang praktis.Semoga tulisan ini bisa bermanfaat bagi orang-orang perantau yang susah mendapatkan cetakan kerucut untuk membentuk tumpeng.
Ide ini datang dari seorang wanita perantau yang aktif di berbagai organisasi yang bernama Hj Miyati Dullah yang bekerja di England,yang sering kali membuat nasi tumpeng untuk acara syukuran dengan keadaan yang darurat Hj Miah  punya ide yang cemerlang untuk bisa mendapatkan nasi tumpeng seperti di indonesia.Seperti yang dia katakan''tak ada rotan akar pun jadi''  jadi tak ada cetakan kardus pun jadi..Dia juga menerima pesanan bagi teman-teman yang ingin nasi tumpeng  untuk acara-acara khusus bukan hanya nasi tumpeng Hj miah pandai juga membuat kueh-muih seperti onde-onde,wajit,dodol,lapis dan sebagainya.
Di sini Hj Miah menggunakan kardus tebal yang dibentuk seperti kerucut yang dalamnya telah di lapisi dengan kertas foil, lalu nasi di masukan sedikit demi sedikit sambil di tekan-tekan setelah itu nasi tumpeng siap di hidangkan dan di hiasi dengan berbagai lauk pauk.
1.Bentuklah karton menyerupai kerucut dalamnya di lapisi dengan kertas foil.

2.Masukan nasi kuning sedikit demi sedikit sambil di tekan-tekan

3.Lalu letakan nasi tumpeng ke tempat yang telah di sediakan

5.Mini tumpeng telah siap.
4.Nasi tumpeng siap dihiasi dengan lauk-pauk

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011


Making the perfect cup of tea is not easy.
What you need:Loose tea is preferable because bags restrict the room for infusion.Small teapots allow you to control the infusion.If you're making tea for one,use a teapots no larger than 300ml
Step1;Decide on the amount of tea to use by weight-about 5g for a 300ml teapot.
Step2;Get the water temperature right for the tea you are drinking.Green teas and white teas taste best with water at 60cc to 80cc.Black teas and oolong taste best with near-boiling water.Filtered water is the best.
Step3;Infuse for three minutes,pour all the infusion from your teapot into your cup.Dont leave any tea stewing it will become bitter,only add milk to black teas such as early grey tea.

Bagi kita membuat teh adalah hal mudah karena setiap kali sering meminumnya sebagai minuman yang sudah memasyarakat.Disini ada cara membuat  minuman teh yang baik dan benar menurut standard international;
caranya;menggunakan teh serbuk adalah lebih bagus daripada menggunakan teh kantung atau teh celup.Gunakan poci kecil bila hanya untuk satu orang.
-Gunakan takaran yang sesuai bila kita menggunakan poci kecil yang berukuran untuk 300ml gunakan teh sebanyak 5g.
-Penggunaan air panas juga bisa mempengaruhi dari kualitas teh yang kita buat untuk teh hijau air yang di gunakan kurang lebih dari 60cc sampai 80cc(jangan terlalu panas sekali).Tapi bila menggunakan teh hitam kita harus menggunakan air yang agak panas lagi daripada air untuk teh hijau.Air yang bersih yang sudah di saring atau air filter akan lebih baik lagi.
-Tunggu tiga menit di poci sebelum di tuang ke dalam cangkir.Jangan di biarkan lama teh itu karena akan berubah menjadi rasa pahit.
Teh yang boleh menggunakan susu dan gula hanyalah teh hitam atau teh Earl grey(teh england)
Teh hijau tidak menggunakan gula dan susu di hidangkan setelah makan untuk membantu pencernaan.

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Makanan tempo dulu

Sejarah di suatu negara bukan hanya dari peninggalan sesuatu barang yang berharga saja bukan dari cerita klasik tempo dulu dan lain sebagainya.Dari ciri khas makanan mereka kita bisa mempelajarinya.
                                                            Full Medammes
Ada sebuah makanan yang jadi ciri khas dari negara arab yang sampai saat ini orang-orang arab masih mengenang dan terus meng-konsumsi makanan ini.Makanan yang berasal dari kacang-kacangan tertentu yang ada di negaranya yang di sebut kacang 'Fava'bentuknya seperti kacang merah besar dan kacang putih besar bahkan sekarang telah banyak variasinya dan kini bisa di dapatkan dalam bentuk kalengan di jual di toko-toko arab.Mereka bilang dalam bahasanya disebut 'Full medammes' yaitu makanan orang miskin tempo dulu.Bahkan ada cerita menarik dari makanan ini bagaimana ketika kakek-neneknya yang hidup di jaman kemiskinan yang setiap harinya hanya bisa meng-konsumsi makanan ini tiap hari dan kemudian mereka bisa menjual makanan ini sebagai mata pencahariannya sampai akhirnya dia bisa membuka usaha pabrik sendiri dan bisa mengangkat keluarga dan generasinya menjadi orang-orang yang sukses.Di setiap acara-acara tertentu misalnya pesta makanan ini masih di hidangkan bahkan di setiap restoran arab di england makanan ini masih di jadikan menu favorit.
Kalau kita kaji dari segi giji makanan ini banyak mengandung kalori sedikit lemak dan juga tidak ada kolesterol dan banyak mengandung karbohidrat juga.Makanan ini kadang di jadikan solusi bagi mereka yang ingin menjalani diet.
Mungkin juga bagi masyarakat yang berada di indonesia kita bisa bisa membuatnya sendiri dengan menggunakan kacang tolo yang banyak di konsumsi di masyarakat.Caranya rebus kacang tolo dengan garam sampai empuk lalu kita bisa menambahkannya ketika hendak di sajikan dengan irisan bawang bombay mentah, daun parsley,daun pepermint,bawah putih mentah,irisan tomat dan juga perasaan lemon dan mungkin bisa di tambahkan menurut selera.
                                    Irisan tomat,pepermint,bawang bombay,lemon
                                                                     Full medammes
                                                      Selamat mencoba semoga bermanfaat!!!!!

Senin, 28 November 2011

Penyakit akibat perubahaan cuaca

Obat-obatan yang banyak di perlukan saat ini
Perubahan cuaca dari musim panas ke musim dingin berpengaruh juga terhadap kondisi tubuh apalagi bagi orang-orang yang beraktivitas di luar rumah.Dikarenakan juga suhu yang sangat dramatis berubah ketika berada di dalam ruangan yang suhunya hangat di kerenakan menggunakan heather/radiator dan ketika keluar rumah suhu dingin sekali.Ketika terjadi perubahan cuaca seperti ini hampir semua orang mengalami masalah kesehatan sering kali terserang berbagai penyakit seperti:Demam dan tenggorokan kering dan batuk-batuk dan lain sebagainya.Pada saat seperti ini toko yang menjual obat-obatan memberikan pelayaan terhadap konsumen dengan cara menjual obat-obat tersebut mudah di jangkau dan mudah di lihat.Toko Boots salah satu toko besar yang ada di england yang menjual berbagai obat-obatan di setiap saat-saat tertentu selalu memberikan pelayaan terhadap konsumennya dengan cara memberikan potongan harga obat-obat yang di perlukan masyarakat.Ada juga cara traditional penduduk sini untuk mengatasi tenggorokan kering dan flu mereka menggunakan perasan lemon dan madu yang di campur dengan air hangat dan juga di tambah dengan potongan bawah putih mentah racikan ini dapat di minum setiap saat.
                  Racikan madu dan lemon untuk mengatasi tenggorokan kering/batuk.

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Telor asin ala titouk

Bagi orang-orang yang hidup di tanah air telor asin adalah makanan yang sering di konsumsi sebagai lauk-pauk dan sangat mudah mendapatkannya.Tapi bagi orang-orang yang hidup merantau jauh di negeri orang telor asin adalah makanan langka walaupun ada kadang sangat susah mendapatkannya dan begitu mahal biasanya hanya di jual di toko-toko china.
Di sini ada cara-cara membuat telor asin yang sangat sederhana dan praktis buat para perantau khususnya yang ingin membuat sendiri.Pembuatannya  hampir sama seperti halnya membuat telor asin di tanah air hanya di sini tidak menggunakan abu gosok atau tanah liat kita bisa menggunakan air rendaman garam.
  Cara mudah membuat telor asin
-Siapkan beberapa telor bisa menggunakan telor ayam biasa atau telor putih
-Garam secukupnya
-Air dingin secukupnya
Telor yang akan di bersihkan
Penggosok piring
-Ampelas atau bisa menggunakan penggosok piring bagian yang kasarnya
-Toples atau juga tempat yang bertutup
  Caranya;pertama gosok telor satu persatu dengan ampelas lalu persiapkan toples yang sudah berisi air garam ukuran dari satu telor menggunakan satu sendok garam jadi bila membuat telor asin sepuluh biji harus menggunakan garam sepuluh sendok.Rendamlah telor ke air garam sehingga telor terendam lalu tutuplah toples dengan rapat dan rendamlah telor selama kurang lebih satu minggu atau bila menginginkan kuning telor asin berminyak rendamlah selama dua minggu atau lebih.
Telor yang di rendam air garam
Tutup dengan rapat selama dua minggu atau lebih menurut selera.


Selasa, 15 November 2011

Daun pegagan/Antanan

Tanaman liar ini yang banyak tumbuh di daerah indonesia bahkan juga ada di negara lain di asia seperti di negara srila
nka.Tanaman yang kadang juga di anggap sebagai hama di sawah.Tahukah di England di sebuah toko Anglo asian market Srilanka tanaman ini di jual sebagai makanan khas bangsanya untuk di masak dengan curry makanan tradisi mereka.Di England di jual dengan harga yang cukup mahal perkilo bisa mencapai rp30rb.Coba kita bayangkan tumbuhan yang seringkali kita sebut hama ternyata di sebagian negara di jual belikan dengan harga yang cukup mahal bahkan di negara china tumbuhan ini sudah lama di gunakan sebagai dasar pembuatan obat.Ada satu hal yang penulis sangat terkejut ketika di market itu bertemu dengan beberapa pelajar China  yang sedang menuntut ilmu di england yang sengaja datang ke toko itu untuk membeli tanaman itu untuk di konsumsi sebagai lalaban atau di masak mereka menjelaskan tentang beberapa khasiat dari tanaman itu.Mungkin sebagian orang  belum pernah mencoba dan belum tahu kegunaanya silahkan simak di sini semoga bisa bermampaat.
Tanaman ini menyukai tanah yang lembab dan cukup mendapat sinar matahari yang teduh,seperti di padang rumput,selokan,sawah dan sebagainya.Pegagan merupakan tanaman menhaun tanpa batang tetapi dengan rimpang pendek dan setolan-setolan merayap dengan panjang 10cm-80cm akar akan keluar di setiap bonggol, banyak bercabang dan membentuk tanaman baru.

Nama lokal tanaman ini -Daun kaki kuda(indonesia) -pegaga(ujungpandang) -Antanan gede,Antanan rambat(sunda) -daun tungke(Bugis) -kerok batok(Jawa) -kestekosan(Madura) -Kori-kori(Almahera)

Penggunaan untuk obat;
1.Kencing keruh;(akibat infeksi/batu sistem saluran kencing)
  30 gram daun pegagan segar di rebus dengan cucian air beras dari bilasan air kedua.
2.Susah kencing
 30 garam daun pegagan segar di lumatkan lalu tempelkan di pusar.
  Segenggam daun pegagan segar tumbuk kemudian tambah  sedikit air dan garam saring dan minum pagi-pagi sebelum makan.         
4.Darah tinggi
   20 lembar daun pegagan di tambah 3 gelas air rebus hingga 3/4 gelas,sehari diminum 3 kali 3/4 gelas.
  4-5 batang daun pegagan berikut akar-akarnya di rebus dengan 2 gelas air selama kurang lebih 5     menit.Minum rebusan ini beberapa hari.
6.Pembengkakan hati(liver)
  240 gram-60 gram pegagan segar direbus minum secara rutin.
 60 gram-120 gram pegagan rebus lalu minum.
 30 gram-60 gram pegagan segar rebus di minum.Pegagan segar di cuci bersih lalu lumatkan tempelkan pada yang sakit.
9.Mata merah/bengkak
 pegagan segar di cuci bersih ,lumatkan  peras airnya di saring.Teteskan pada mata yang sakit 3-4  kali sehari
10.Batuk darah.Muntah darah,Mimisan
   60-90 gram pegagan segar rebus atau di peras ambil airnya lalu minum.
11. Batuk kering
    segenggam penuh pegagan segar lumatkan peras lalu tambahkan air dan gula batu secukupnya lalu minum.
  3/4 genggam pegagan segar di cuci lalu di rebus dengan 3 gelas air sampai menjadi 3/4 gelas saring dan dinginkan minum sehari 3 kali.
13.Penambah nafsu makan
 satu genggan pegagan segar rebus dengan du gelas air menjadi satu gelas minum sehari satu gelas.
     Dan masih banyak lagi Khasiat dari tanaman ini.Cobalah lalaban daun pegagan  berhasiat membersihkan darah,memperbanyak empedu sehinga memperbaiki gangguan pencernaan.
                                                                    lalaban pegagan

Minggu, 13 November 2011

The salvation army

The Salvation Army officer and me
 The salvation Army is worldwide christian church and registered charity working in 124 countries the demonstrating christian principles through practical support offering unconditional friendship and very practical to help people to all ages,background and need.
Founded in East London by William booth in 1865The salvation army is one of the larges most diverse providers of special service in the UK.A visionary social reformer ahead of his time.William Booth believe that charity demeaned the individual and people should be offered a''hand up'' not ''hand outs'' the get them back from their feet.
275 oxford street London w1c   02076295424

  Today The Salvation Army extends a helping hand to those who are homeless,friendless,and in need .We passionately believe that no one is beyond to hope,however their problem that disadvantaged people are given respect and access to the practical ,social and spiritual support to need to release their God-given potential and recover personal dignity.
In the UK and Ireland The salvation Army has approximately;
-50.000 members
-4.000 employees
-1.500 salvation army officers(full-time ministers) 

Jumat, 11 November 2011

Understanding MIGRAINE and OTHER HEADACHES(by DR Anne MacGregor)

                            DIFFERENT TYPES OF MIGRAINE 
The name'migraine' is derived from the word' hemicrania' meaning a one sided headache, although the migraine headache can be generalised.Migraine headache is often described as a throbbing pain that gets worse on physical activity>Althought  be the pain may be severe, migraine is not in itself life threatening .although a bad attack often feels like it.
Migraine is however more than just a headache and the headache is not necessarily  the major syimptom.Some attacks are preceded by visual disturbances.Other typical symptoms include nausea,vomiting, and sensitivity to light,noise, and smell.Many sufferers cannot bear even the thought of food,whereas others find that eating takes the edge off their nausea.
  Migraine has been likened  to power cut.During a migraine you may find you whole body seems to shut down for a while and you whant to hide away until the attack is over.
                                                 WHO GETS MIGRAINE?
Migraine effects more women than men in a ratio of about three to one.Hormonal changes in women are the obvious reason for this difference betwen the sexes and account for the fact that until puberty migraine is equally prevalent in boys and girls.
At  least 90 per cent of people who get migraine have their first attack before the age of 40.For most people migraine starts during their  teens or early 20s,although it has been diagnosed in young children and even babies.It's rare for everyone over the age 50 to experience their first attack of migraine.
Migraine can divided into five distinct phases
1.premonitory(warning sign)

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Five reason to buy the iPhone 4S

The world may be mourning Steve jobs.but his visionary genius will live on.Initially with the iPhone 4S-the first Apple product to be released since his death.
The design fault the blighted the iPhone 4 is gone.The improved antenna promises no more dropped calls and faster data transfer.And since that was the only real flaw last time it's a big deal
A S super-sophisticated voice-recognition program that doesn't require you to shout''FACE,TIME'' at it to make it work.You can dictate messages,ask it questions and talk to it as thought it's an actual person.You can event set geographical-based reminders.So if you need to pick up your dry cleaning after work,it senses when you leave the office and prompts you to collect it.
it's eight megapixels aren't to be sniffed at,but that's not to best part.The wide aperture lets in more light.grid lines ensure your horizon won't be wonky and you can access the camera even when the phone's locked.
The camera is just one element that benefits from a hugely increased speed.Apps load instantly and there's no waiting for anything to happen,Games graphic are up to seven time faster.Which means improved effects.smoother refresh rates and a more immersive experience.
If there's lots of music on your phone.32GB may not be enough.Never mind there's now 64GB version.Combine this with iCloud,which lets you store data remotely and iTunes Match which lets you stream any track you own,even if it's only held on your PC at home and your storage capacity now feels endless.

Top tip to help keep your Face and body looking super radiant as we move to Autumn

- Once a week apply a layer of  products to face with serum,facial oil and moisturisers.if your skin as feeling dry and a little lacklustre also apply mask as an additional layer under the moisturisers to seal in the goodness.Then layer a body gel,Body oil and cream over the whole  body.Wrap yourself in loose bed clothing and leave to absorb overnight. You will notice an Immediate benefit.
-Get into the habit of looking after the skin as well in the winter as you do all Summer.While not as many areas of skin are on show,the better condition you keep your body in throughout  the year.The easier it will be when you do wear dresses or sleevless items in the colder weather
-The circulation can be more sluggish in the winter so it's important to incorporate massage into your daily  routine to keep a radiant complexion.Rather than viewing cleansing as just removing make-up each evening.consider it an opportunity to perform a mini-treatment on the whole face.Carry out lots of small circular movements as you apply the product-this is an invaluable way to boost capillary ,helping to remove impurities and generate radiant healty skin.
-I recommend a full body exfoliation at least once a week and the same for the face.But always be conscious of which your products actually contain a form of exfoliation,so that you don't over do it.Once of the biggest causes of premature ageing is over exfoliation of the skin,which causes inflammation.
-If you wear a hat in the cooler months hair can get very dry and become static.Treat it weekly with a nourishing hair oil.Massaging into the scalp through to the ends of the hair.

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Empat Musim

Di negara eropa pada khususnya kita mengenal empat musim pergantian yaitu musim panas atau kita sebut musim Summer kemudian musim gugur atau juga di sebut Autum setelah itu Musim dingin atau Snow dan kemudian musim semi atau musim Spring.
Musim panas/Summer biasanya di awali pada bulan menjelang juni,juli agustus.september
Musim gugur/Autumn dimulai pada bulan oktober,november
Musim salju/Winter di awali di bulan Desember,januari,februari
Musim Semi/Spring Maret,April,Mei
Tapi sekarang kadang musim datang tidak menentu di karenakan alam yang sudah tidak menentu di karenakan adanya Climate Changce.
Tanda-tanda menjelang musim panas biasanya kita bisa melihat dari alam sekitarnya misalnya suhu yang panas dan pepohonan dan bunga-bunga yang indah di musim ini biasanya kota London sangat ramai di karenakan banyak para pelancong yang sengaja datang ke sini.
Ketika musim panas sudah mau berakhir kita juga bisa melihat tanda dari sebuah pohon yang menjadi ciri khas di kebanyakan kota-kota di eropa pohon yang tumbuh besar di pinggir jalan ketika musim gugur datang daun-daunaan mulai menguning dan berguguran ini suatu pemandangan yang indah di saat daun-daun beterbangan di pinggir jalan.

Setelah semua daun itu berguguran dan pohon itu tinggal ranting-ranting saja tapi bukan berarti pohon itu mati  pohon masih hidup dan akan kembali berdaun ketika musim nanti menjelang.
Ketika musim salju/Winter tiba kota London di selimuti salju suhu terasa dingin kadang bisa mencapai -5 degree  bahkan di daerah Scotland hampir mencapai -15 degree dan salju ketinggian salju bisa mencapai 5cm sampai 15 cm.


Musim semi atau spring biasa di mulai dengan terlihatnya pohon -pohon yang mulai bertunas dan bunga-bunga mulai bermekaran yang paling indah ketika musim semi tiba kita bisa melihat indahnya pohon sakura seperti di negara jepang tapi di sini kita menyebutnya adalah pohon cherry yang tumbuh di kebun-kebun dan di sepanjang jalan.tapi suhu masih agak dingin biasanya mencapai 5 degree cc.

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011


When 12 years old kid named Steve persuaded Hewlett-Packard to send him free computer parts,nobody could have imagined how our lives would be transformed.

DEATH OF A GENIUS;Steve jobs passes away on 5 October.
Home town of Cupertino in silicon Valley,California.His death on 5 October.A huge  number people all over the world,almost as if they felt a deep,personal connection to him,Internet users in china posted almost 35 million online tributes, and of the most popular accolades on twitter referred to three apples that had changed the world.''the one that eve ate,the one that dropped on Newton,s head and the one that Steve Built''
Some people would attribute this to Steve Jobs'Genius Spinmeister.What's remarkable about Apple's products is that,by and large,they live up to the hype.

London Regent street Store
The people who queued all night outside London's Regent street Apple own an iPad Store last year so that they could be the first Britons to own an iPad weren't disappointed.Stephen Fry.who was in the queue gave an interview to the Guardian afterwards in which he explained why he'd been an Apple loyalist since buying his first Macintosh in 1984,
''People said of the iPhone exactly what they've said of iPad-it's style over substance,it's all hype,it's just...people who want to be seen with it'' he said.

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

The race for the Olympic Stadium

                                                    So what happen  next?
1.January 2012-Anticipated deadline for bidders to submit proposals to become stadium tenants.West Ham     remain the favourites.
2.February/march 2012-decision expected on who the new tenants will be at the Olympic Stadium.
3.July 27-August 12 2012-London Olympic Games.
4.August 29-September 9 2012 Paralympic Games.
5.September 2012-work begins on reducing 80.000-capacity stadium to 60.000-seater venue.
6.Augusts 2014-Football tenant expected to start life in new stadium.

                                          Olympic Stadium timeline
MARCH 2006
London mayor,Ken livingstone says;The deal we made is that its an athletics stadium and we have a legally-binding contract.

Leyton Orient Chairman,Barry Hearn,confirms club have begun preliminary talks about moving into the stadium''We believe that we are in an excellent position with regards to our location.''

MAY 2008
Construction work begins on the Olympic Stadium.

West Ham co- owner David Sullivan confirms the club want to leave Upton Park for the Olympic Stadium.

Bidding process open for use of the stadium after the 2012 Games.

London 2012's key pledge to the  IOC in 2005 to downsize the stadium to 25,000-seater athletics venue is ''flawed'', according to London assembly's Economic Development, Culture and Tourist Committee report.

Tottenham reveal they are making a joint bid with AEG to move into stadium.Uk athletics announce formal support for West Ham's bid which would retain the running track.

London's bid to host 2015 World Athletics Championship is abandoned over un certain future of the stadium.Tottenham and West Ham are shortlisted as two final bidder to take over the stadium after Olympics.

Tottenham confirm,if successful,they would knock down stadium and replace it with 60,000-capacity football venue and build an athletics venue at Crystal Palace.Lord Coe claims there is a ''moral obligation'' for a multi-sport facility at the stadium and IOC president Jacques Rogga says he favours the retention of running track after the Games.

West Ham announced as prefered bidder for the stadium.

Spurs and Leyton Orient have bids for a review of the decision rejected.

Deal to award West Ham the stadium collapses amid concerns over delays caused legal dispute.
(Evening standard)

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011


                                                                ''I WIIL''
AT precisely 11.20 Prince William and Kate Middeleton were pronounced husband and wife in a ceremony watched by two billion Worldwide.
The prince's university sweetheart entered Westminster abbey at 11 am as Kate from house counties.She left one hour 10 minutes later as the Duchess of Cambridge, future queen.
As the couple were married, a huge cheer erupted across London.
One million spectators lined the procession route from the Abbey to the Buckhingham palace or watched on giant screens in Trafalgar Square and Hide Park.
Millions more held street parties across the country and watched on TV,making it a record global audience.
The Archbishop of Canterbury asked 28 year old William;''Wilt thou love her,comfort her,honour and keep her,in sickness and health,and forsaking all other,keep thee only unto her,so long as you both shall live?
William's voice cracked slightly as he said ''I will''
As Kate,29 said ''I will'' to the same vows there was a loud cheer from the crowd outside.Like Diana,Kate did not promise to obey her husband.
There was nervous moment when William tried to put the ring on Kate's finger.The ring was stuck on the knuckle for a few second but then slipped on.

There was more cheering from the crowd outside as the archbishop pronounced  them  man and wife.
The Bishop of London,the Rt Rev Richad Chartres,

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011


Amazon's electronic book reader, the kindle, has been named the commuter gadget of the year,beating apple iPad and iPhone.
 Apple also lost out to Samsung,whose Galaxy S 11 was named  phone of the year ahead of the iPone and Google which won technology brand of the year at the T3 magazine awards.
The results come days before Apple's new iPhone 4S goes on sale.
Judges at he awards said the kindle's simplicity helped it win.
'The one thing the kindle has over the iPad 2 is that does one job really well,'said T3 editor Luke peters.
'When people commute, they want something they can pick up and use straight away'
'Apple did win three awards but it goes to show how much the industry is catching up.particularly in the phone market.The Samsung Galaxy S 11 is gorgeous looking phone with slick operation, a great social hub and the best camera on any smartphone to date.
It has great integration with Samsung's TVs and screen that  matches the iPhone 4.
Apple's MacBook air 11-inch won the T3 design award computer of the year, While the iPad won tablet o the year.Microsoft's Kinect's,the games console motion sensor, won gaming gadget of the year and overall gadget of the year.
David Attenborough picked up outstanding contribution to technology award, In recognitionof his nature programmes.He said;I've been at this game rather a long time, so this award is a culmination.It means a lot to me.

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011


London has major advantage over silicon valley as a technological Centre but it has nothing to do with technology,the founder of Wikipedia said on 11/October/2011.Jimmy wales said the capital's museum and galleries are more exciting than'BORING' California.
'London is a fabulous city's the crossroads of the world.Silicon valley is Frankly,a dull place to live'
MR Wales said.
'You move down to the valley and it's deathly boring.people don't dream of moving to San Jose. it's not like London'
MR Wales spends half the year in London and believes it is the perfect palace for the next Mark Zuckerberg-who created Facebook-to emerge.
However,MR wales claims the project could be hampered by Britain's attitude to entrepreneurs.
'One thing the UK has on the downside is an excessive willingness to complain and knock things that aren't that bad'he said.
MR Wales is preparing to act as head of the judging panel at the Tech entrepreneur week in December, where 800 delegates including 200 investors and hundreds of small companies, exchange ideas.
East London where the Government is trying to build its own 'TECH CITY' to rival Silicon Valley has attracted dozens of internet firms.
Google recently unveiled plans to set up an office helping small firm there and the old street area has already been dubbed the 'Silicon roundabout' after dozens of dotcom firms arrived there.
Mike butcher of technology website TechCrunch also runs TechHub, a shared office space for start-ups just off Old street roundabbout. 'There is substance behind this' he said.
'London's starts-ups reference the cultural surroundings,fashion,music and arts really influence what people are producing.
'Historically people haven't been able to fail in the UK, and has been problem-in silicon valley people often get funding because they've failed and proved themselves, however it is changing now.
Silicon valley,south of Fransisco Bay has spawned technology glants such as Apple,Google,Yahoo and Intel.In recent years it has become the hub of the dotcom boom.

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

The Cat Story : Lutung

I have the black cat who named Lutung. I found Lutung while she was little. She was thin while the first time I founded her. She was found at the time of being dumped by an old lady. Lutung seems to lack of food. Now she is not as it used to anymore because I always give nutritious food.Now she is not as it used to anymore because I always gave her a nutritious meal.I have a unique experience on the cat. She always follows wherever I go, including when I went to the shop to buy food for her. She often leaves shop owner surprised by her behavior. Once shop owner chuckled seeing her behavior while I was shopping at the shop. She is at once adorable mischievous cat. Why not, my legs always bitten over and over again until I feel pain. I can not stand by the cat's behavior but I never cried when she ran away because I was late home from work. She seems angry. She did not return for several days. I feel very sad to lose her to me at that time. I always prayed she would be home soon.My prayer was granted. My neighbor told me. She came home. When out of the house, she looked sitting on the fence wall. Her body looks thinner than ever and his voice hoarse. *** 

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Manchester for the alternative

2/OCTOBER/2011.More than 35.000 People have taken  part in a march trough a central Manchester protesting again  government cuts.
Member of j4dw taken part in Manchester
Minggu dini hari cuaca di kota London sudah mulai dingin tapi tidak menyusutkan semangat para anggota j4dw(justice for domestic worker) untuk pergi ke sebuah kota Manchester kota besar kedua setelah london.Perjalanan ke kota Manchester dari kota London memerlukan waktu sekitar empat jam menggunakan kendaraan bus khusus yang telah di sediakan oleh kantor pusat Unite Union cabang london di mana organisasi j4dw salah satu member group di  Unite Union.
jam dua belas tengah hari mereka tiba di kota Manchester dan semua peserta demo telah siap-siap untuk mengadakan demo terhadap pemerintahan yang akhir-akhir ini kurang bijaksana terhadap para penduduk di karenakan pemerintah yang baru mengadakan pengurangan/pemotongan kebijakan di berbagai bidang.
fight for the right

Selama perjalanan ke tempat yang di tuju yaitu sebuah lapangan para pendemo tentunya berbagai cara mereka lakukan sebagai ungakapan-ungkapan terhadap ketidak puasan terhadap pemerintah.Bahkan ada para pendemo yang sengaja memancing amarah terhadap para petugas keamanan.Di sini para petugas di kerahkan untuk melindungi para pendemo bukan untuk mencari masalah walau kadang mereka sangat terpojok oleh ulah para pendemo di sinilah mereka benar-benar menunjukan cita diri sebagai petugas.Ada celoteh kecil dari para pendemo asal migrant worker'Di negara kita sendiri kita takut mengadakan aksi-aksi begini bahkan belum pernah tapi di sini kita bebas untuk mengungkapkan pendapat'.Itulah salah satu ke kelebihan/kebijakan di negara Inggris.Pemerintah mendengar keluhan,pendapat,keinginan dll.. dari rakyatnya sebelum keputusan itu di tetapkan.
pendemo dari kelompok cacat tak mau ketinggalan mereka tergabung dalam satu organisasi khusus
Seorang ibu  masih semangat ikut demo walau dia terjatuh dan mengalami pendarahan.Semangatnya tetap berkobar..
Darah merah dari seorang ibu aktivis yang pantang menyerah simbol dari perjuangan
SRI warga negara indonesia yg aktif di organisasi J4DW semangat terus walau usianya telah lanjut.....'BRAVE SRI'

Senin, 19 September 2011


Located in the south-west corner of hide park,this is not a fountain in the traditional sense,it is actually a large oval stream bed about 50*80m

Kamis, 15 September 2011


 LONDON' buses have carried more passengers and travelled more kilometers every year than at the last 50 year,according to figures released by transport for London.
in 2010/11 people made almost 2.3 billion journey on the capital's bus network.24 million more than the previous year and more the entire number of journeys made on the UK'S rail network.
the  number of people using buses has increased by 60 per cent since 2000 as sustained investment in the bus network improves services.
last year London's buses travelled 486 million kilometers.2.6 million more than the previous year.every weekday 7.500 buses carry more than six million passengers on 700 different routes across the capital.
mayor of London Boris Johnson said 'In London we are able to boast possibly the most comprehensive network of the bus service in the world and these statistics illustrate the quite remarkable team of drivers,planners,mechanics and others who combine to transport millions of passengers around the capital.'their effort are vital to Londoners and exactly why I fought so hard to preserve the funding for these crucial service.


the monument for Olympic at Trafalgar square
    Two thousand years of history have produced building and traditions known to billion.London has  tradition,energy,street life and high leads the world in arts finance and business,not to mention some the world's finest restaurants and event some pretty good football teams.the 2012 Olympic has raised our city's profile event further.
and that why people keep cming to london 25 million visit every year.the recession has made only tiniest dent in tourist number.meantime the population has been growing since 1988 and there's no change forecast.
Meanwhile the olympics beckon in keeping with the spirit of 2012,berkeley is sponsoring olympians jo pavey and simeon williamson and paralympians david weir and sophie chirstiansen in their bid to win medals for britain at the's all part of our love of london and what this city stands for it.
So take a moment to remember that you live or work in one of the world's greatest cities.we know london will grow and thrive in the years can own a piece of this amazing city.

Rabu, 14 September 2011


                                TIPS FOR GOING TRAVELING.
1.Decide where you  whant to go and for what kind of trip.ask yourself why you whant to go
2.research all the information you will need  for your to get there.what you need to do when you get there further the travel arrangements.where you are going to stay.
3.Make sure you take into account what you need to get done before yo go away and what system you need to put so your work can cope when you're gone so that you can fully enjoy your trip away
4.Get lots of new experinces and meet as many people as you can


                                              HOW TO MAKE MORE MONEY
1.Build a belief in yourself being wealthy
2.You can do this by going back to the inventory where you found the submodalities of a strong belief.take the thourght of you becoming successfully wealthy in the near future and move it off and back up into the submodalities of the strong this a number of times
3.Focus on making your money based upon what you know rather than something you dont know much about
4.Learn everthing that you need to know about whatever business or opportunity that you are looking at,research in depth so that you are absolutely clear on everything
5.Find a mentor who has already succeeded in the business that you are in and ask them all the questions you have about how to make it work
6.Always ask how you can be more valuable to the world and prepare to work more effectively than ever before


                                MOTIVATE YOURSELF WITH WORDS
1.Think of something that you find yourself easily motivated to do
2.Notice the tone of your inner voice and the rhythm of your inner voice that you use when you talk to yourself about these activities
3.Become aware of the different words that work best to motivate you out of the following choices
             I WISH                                       I WHANT                                              I NEED
              I HAVE TO DO                         I'VE GOT TO                                         I MUST
             I SHOULD                                  I CAN                                                     I WILL
                    I'M GOING TO                         I'M DOING
  4.You will notice that some of these words work better for you than others and motivate you more than the others.use the words and the tone and rhythm of the words and voice that motivates you


                                   TIPS FOR MORE LOVE IN YOUR LIFE
1.Make time for your loved one and make it time that you spend fully thinking about them
2.Be more patient and tolerant with them
3.Regularly,remember vividly the times you were most in love with your partner and amplify the memories
4.Say the thing you whant to say to them and do it regularly
5.Do your best to make sure every moment you spend together is a wonderful and fun moment
6.Perfom a random act of kindness,be extra nice to someone you dont know or make a stranger smile at least once a day


                          FALLING MORE IN LOVE
1.Think  love your loved one
2.Remember the first time that you felt in love with them.imagine it like it was yesterday.see you saw,hear what you heard,feel how good you felt.Spin the feeling of love right thourght your body
3.Think of anything that bothers you about their behaviour and disasociate yourself from the behaviour and memories so that you are looking at your loved one from a distance.
4.Immediately bring up all the memories of the times where you loved being with them and step into those memories and associate into them so are seeing and experience what you saw and feeling what you felt at the time
5.Run through all of these wonderful experiences and amplify the feeling of love and spin it throughout your body.then look at them and notice yourself feeling like you did the first time you fell for them


                                   FALLING OUT OF LOVE PATTERN
1.Think of the person that you whant to fall out of love with
2.Remember all the good memories about being with them by seeing yourself in the memories,see the movies run backwards and make them all in the black and white and small
3.Remember all the time they treated you badly and all the negative feeling around them by imagining yourself looking at them inside image,fully associated.
4.Take every bad thing they did and imagine all of them,one after another as if played back to back on a movie screen,run this movie over till you get sick of them
5.Take something that is disgusting to you and then move to the image of the person into the submodalities of the disgusting image.
6.image a wonderful future free of them and imagine yourself being happy and free and step into that image


1.Think of your timeline and imagene floating above your timeline so you can see your past running to your future
2.Imagene a time where you felt absolutely wonderful,where you laughed and you felt like everthing was going to be alright,that lifewas wonderful
3.Remember it vividly and great feeling inside you.once you have done this imagene yourself back above yourtime with this feeling in your posession
4.Give the feeling in colour and imagine having a powerful hose with this feeling in it ready to brust out.look down at your fast
5.In your fast see your fast stretching out to the time you were born and see all the memories you have ever had.notice the bad memories are all coloured black
6.From above your timeline,imagine firing this feeling throught your hose at your fast and cleaning all of your experiences including the black memories and watch as they change colour and no longer look the same.
7.Imagine floating back into the present and look towards the future and again fire this feeling all the way through your future so you start to get more and more excited about it and feel really great about what lies in store for you.


                                            CHANGING YOUR BAD MEMORIES
1.Think of memory that you whant to stop thinking about
2.Notice the submodalities.freeze frame it and shrink it in size
3.Skip to the end of memory and freeze frame it and image a whiteness knob and  grab it. whiting it out realy       quickly.
4.Repeat this three time
5.see yourself in the end of the movie and run the movie run backward.seeing the sights backward and the sounds backward and spin the feeling in your body in the opposite direction.
6.when you try and think of the bad memories,the more you do this the harder it is for you to remember.

Selasa, 13 September 2011


                             DISCOVER HOW YOU DO CERTAINTY
1.Think of smthing that you believe strongly(that the sun will come up tommorow)
2.Notice what images,sound,and feeling arise when you think about this belief and your certainty in it
3.Go down through the list of submodalities below and note all the qualities of the belief.
4.think of smthing that you doubt or are not sure of(maybe this maybe that).
5.notice what images,sounds,and feeling arise when you think about this throught and your uncertainty about you.
6.Go down thourght the list of submodalities below and note all the qualities of the thourght.
7.note especially the difference between the strong belief and what you are uncertain of.


                                     CHANGING BAD FEELING
1.Think about semebody who annoys you,intimidates you,or irritates you.make an image of them and see them look at you in whatever way they look at you when they are annoys you.hear them say whatever it is they say and notice the bad feeling that happens in your body.
2.take this image and make it black and white.move it far off into the distance.make it much smaller,one eighth its a clown's nose on their face.
3.hear them say whatever it's that they say but hear them say it in mickey mouse's,donald duck's or sylvester the cat voice.
4.notice how you feel differently.then distract yourself for a few moment and think of will still be feeling differently about them.
when you  practise using your brain in this way,you will find yourself feeling really good a lot more often.this is all about developing new mental habits and skills and making it so that you get used to ,
mentally running your brain the way you choose to run


1.Think of time you felt wonderful
2.close your eyes and imagine that time in vivid detail,see the image clearly,hear  the sound loudly,remember the feelings like they were then.
3.imagene yourself stepping into that experience and imagine being in that memory as if it's happening now.see what you'd see,hear what you'd hear,feel how you'd feel. make the colours stronger and make it brighter if that helps.notice how you where breathing back then and breathe that way now. attention to the wonderful feeling in your body and get a sense of where the feeling starts,where it goes and the directionit moves in.imagine taking control over the feeling and spinning it faster and faster and stronger thourgh your body as the feeling increase.
5.think of a time in the future where you could use these good feeling.spin these feelings throughout your body as you thinks about the future and the things you are doing over the next few weeks.dont be to surprised if you find yourself feeling really good for absolutely no reason.